Saturday, August 31, 2019

Absolutism in the 17th century Essay

It is said that Louis XIV proclaimed â€Å"I am the state!† Whether or not he really said it is debatable, but the meaning of such a statement is clear. Through the course of the 17th Century various regimes across Europe began to model their states of off the very theme of â€Å"I am the state,†; that is, the monarch personified and had absolute control over his nation. Prior to the 17th Century such absolute control precluded this absolutism. By the time of the 17th Century, however, the conditions were in place for monarchs to take absolute control to shape their nations. The conditions and forces that made absolutism a desirable form of government were the necessity of centralized control, the political instability of the time, and the rise of single sovereignty over a country. Before one goes into what causes states to adopt absolutism, one must understand it. Absolutism is defined as a form of government where â€Å"sovereignty is embodied in the person of the ruler.† The Monarch felt that he had a Divine Right, that is he was responsible to only God, and though he may respect the natural law of where he governed, generally the Monarch attempted to place his realm under absolute control. Measures included elimination of certain freedoms, centralization of power, and the creation of a bureaucracy loyal to the Monarch to help oversee the country. Through these measures, the Monarch was able to control the nobility that always threatened. The Monarch became more and more powerful as he or she began to assert power and institute absolutism. The first reason why absolutism seemed to be a desirable government form was the necessity of centralized power. War was a constant threat to a nation and it’s people. In a country divided into kingdoms and realms ruled by individual nobles and dukes, mobilization for war was a difficult and lengthy task. To better prepare a state for war a country needed a single ruler with the absolute power. Another cause was the need for efficiently raising revenue. A monarch needed absolute control to effectively raise revenue for the cost of maintaining the state. The nation-state became more and more expensive to run during this time due to the increasing frequency of wars, the costs of trade and exploration, and to support the burgeoning bureaucracy. A country divided and ruled by many different people would be  unable to raise sufficient revenue. On the other hand, a country ruled a by a single strong ruler could more easily control and manage finances. In addition, because of the nature of the time, warfare and politics became very personal. Monarchs considered countries an extension of themselves, as exemplified by Louis XIV’s supposed remark â€Å"I am the state!† To achieve this, Monarchs effectively eliminated all competition to their power, that is the nobles and the church. In the era of the Post-Reformation, it was all too easy for Monarchs to seize power from church and nobility, and this further contributed to their power. Another force at play that made absolutism seem desirable was the political instability of the time, both internal and external. France is a paragon example for this. There were many peasant revolts between 1624 and 1648, and â€Å"Nobles and Parlements took advantage of peasant revolts and the Regency to protest their loss of ancient privileges and levels of taxation. Barricades set up in Paris and the mob burst into the King’s bedroom.† King Louis XIII was powerless to stop these insurrections against his rule. Louis XIV soon came to power, and began to assert his royal authority. He put down these peasant revolts, reorganized government, and placed himself at its head. Loyal advisors were installed, and a deal with nobility which surrendered their authority in relation to the Crown in return for authority over their lands. In addition, the size of the military increased, and France began to engage in wars to help solve domestic problems. These wars were generally successful and contributed to an even higher growth in Royal authority. The successes of Louis XIV encouraged other European Monarchs to follow his example. The problems of instability seemed to be only able to fixed with a steady, but iron fist. Absolutism seemed to offer this, as the king would have authority to maintain control without interference from a constitution or a law making body. Finally, the political instability forced Monarchs to take measures that otherwise they would not wanted to take, i.e. levying heavy taxes. When the benefits of these measures came in, Monarchs often looked beyond their ideals to permanently install absolutism. To sum up, the basic political instability of the 17th Century, i.e. wars, peasant revolts, etc. paved the way for Monarchs seizing absolute control to stabilize their nations. The final cause for absolutism was the rise of single sovereignty over a country. In the times of feudalism, more than one person could have sovereignty over an area of a country. Dukes, Counts, and others may claim title to a land in addition to the Monarch’s. However the decline of feudalism brought an end to this. Kings began to assert that there could be only one sovereign to a land, and that was the King. Many new political and legal theories supported the Monarch’s absolute control over land. Jacques-Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704) adapted the medieval concept of kingship in his theory of the Divine Right of Kings, which argued that the king ruled absolutely by will of God, and that to oppose the king in effect constituted rebellion against God. Although people should be excluded from power, God’s purpose in instituting absolute monarchy was to protect and guide society.† Coming from a moral approach, Thomas Hobbes argued that a strong ruler could best control and protect a society. Further justifying absolutism, Monarchs pointed out that it seemed to end Europe’s religious wars and had brought social and political peace. King Louis XIV believed that such absolute rule over a people was the duty of a Monarch, and anything else was failing the people. Essentially, Monarchs based their absolute sovereignty on moral and political justifications. In conclusion, the conditions of the 17th Century made Absolutism seem to be a desirable choice for government, and rightly so. Following the example of France, many countries tried to centralize power. Yet, not all were to be as successful as France. For example, Oliver Cromwell instituted a dictatorship with many absolutist qualities, but this failed as soon as he died. But it is difficult to deny that absolutism was a powerful force in the 17th Century. Absolutism may seem harsh to people of the 21st Century, but for the many of those who experienced it, it was at least beneficial. The political instability of the time, the need to centralize, and the increasing sovereignty of Monarchs all were driving forces in making Absolutism popular and helpful. Despite its problems, absolutism eventually led Europe down the right path.

Rhetorical Analysis.

In Mark Twain’s passage, â€Å"Two Ways of Seeing a River,† the reader is forced to question within themselves about how much beauty they look past in the world. Twain describes in great detail an experience he had on a river in a very literal way. Twain begins his passage by describing how, after being on the river, he had forgotten all of the things he felt, saw, and experienced the first time out on a steamboat in the river. After being out on the river so many times it just became routine and he states that, â€Å"All the grace, the beauty, the poetry had gone out of the majestic river! Through the first paragraph you begin to get an idea of how it feels to be on the river that first time. He continues to explain his experience but begins to question himself and everything that he had missed. By the end of the passage, the reader is left to question where the beauty has gone. The timing, or kairos, of this passage could be relevant to whenever it is read. Much like most of Mark Twain’s literature works, â€Å"Two Ways of Seeing a River,† is timeless. Rather it is 1883, when this was written, or in today’s day and age, people behave the same.They go about their days only focusing on their own wants and needs, never taking in the beauty and wonder that is going on around them. He is able to apply his work to all types of people, no matter the gender, race, age, or the century in which they live. It is obvious that Mark Twain is well known because of his ability to write. This is the main part of the ethos in this story. Since he is renowned for his works, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he is very credible.Another part that makes his trustworthy is the fact that he experienced this event himself. It might be questioned as to whether or not he was just writing a story from a fictional standpoint, but there is proof throughout the essay that shows he participated in the event. From the beginning, he presents the s tory in first person. Further evidence that he went through this lies in the following statement: â€Å"All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat. This quote shows that he is going very deeply into his mind. Not only does this statement reveal his inner self, but it provides physical evidence as to why it has to be him looking at this river. As his past writings reveal, Twain loves steamboats and because it mentions them in such a particular, technical way, he is providing signs to the reader that he is experiencing this. Because of his popularity and own knowledge, this particular essay is filled with ethos.The audience of this passage usually is people who are already familiar with Twain’s work and know how much feeling he puts in to it and they take him seriously. Through his really descriptive words, the reader is able to paint a picture of the river and begin to feel as if they were there. Since Twain is able to make such a connection with his audience they begin to ask themselves questions about how much they have missed in the world. The pathos, or emotional response to this passage, is really apparent.After reading it, people usually begin to look around and realize how much beauty they have failed to find in their daily lives. Something that Twain tries to point out is that even though you might have seen something beautiful once doesn’t mean there isn’t beauty in it all over again the next time you see it. His intent was so that the reader would walk away after reading this passage and see the world in a new way. While reading this passage the audience is able to relate and really feel how Mark Twain felt about the river.Logos, or the logical aspect of this essay, is that Mark Twain experienced it himself. If he made such a big bold statement of how people make the beauty disappear in the world without experiencing it firsthand, the reader might not take what he has to say to heart. Twain takes a well-known action, a doctor seeing a patient, and relates it to the point he is trying to make. Instead of seeing a doctor as helpful, Twain puts a new perspective on them by saying that they don’t see the beauty in people but rather, they see the wrong and bad.By comparing his experience to an everyday thing that goes on he makes it more relatable. â€Å"Two Ways of Seeing a River,† by Mark Twain is a passage that people are left questioning themselves after reading it. Through kairos, ethos, pathos, and logos the reader is taken inside of a personal experience that Twain had. By reading about how he felt the first time he road down the river in a steamboat and how it slowly lost its beauty you begin to really feel like you were there with him.The reader is forced to ask themselves tough questions about how they go about their daily lives and how much beauty they miss out on. Rather it is Twain†™s peaceful and descriptive explanation of the river or the stab toward how doctors behave this passage in undoubtedly meant to change the way the reader sees the world. Even if you have seen something beautiful once doesn’t mean that there isn’t more beauty to find every time you see it after that. Make sure to stop and take in what really goes on around and you might be surprised what you find. Rhetorical Analysis. In Mark Twain’s passage, â€Å"Two Ways of Seeing a River,† the reader is forced to question within themselves about how much beauty they look past in the world. Twain describes in great detail an experience he had on a river in a very literal way. Twain begins his passage by describing how, after being on the river, he had forgotten all of the things he felt, saw, and experienced the first time out on a steamboat in the river. After being out on the river so many times it just became routine and he states that, â€Å"All the grace, the beauty, the poetry had gone out of the majestic river! Through the first paragraph you begin to get an idea of how it feels to be on the river that first time. He continues to explain his experience but begins to question himself and everything that he had missed. By the end of the passage, the reader is left to question where the beauty has gone. The timing, or kairos, of this passage could be relevant to whenever it is read. Much like most of Mark Twain’s literature works, â€Å"Two Ways of Seeing a River,† is timeless. Rather it is 1883, when this was written, or in today’s day and age, people behave the same.They go about their days only focusing on their own wants and needs, never taking in the beauty and wonder that is going on around them. He is able to apply his work to all types of people, no matter the gender, race, age, or the century in which they live. It is obvious that Mark Twain is well known because of his ability to write. This is the main part of the ethos in this story. Since he is renowned for his works, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he is very credible.Another part that makes his trustworthy is the fact that he experienced this event himself. It might be questioned as to whether or not he was just writing a story from a fictional standpoint, but there is proof throughout the essay that shows he participated in the event. From the beginning, he presents the s tory in first person. Further evidence that he went through this lies in the following statement: â€Å"All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat. This quote shows that he is going very deeply into his mind. Not only does this statement reveal his inner self, but it provides physical evidence as to why it has to be him looking at this river. As his past writings reveal, Twain loves steamboats and because it mentions them in such a particular, technical way, he is providing signs to the reader that he is experiencing this. Because of his popularity and own knowledge, this particular essay is filled with ethos.The audience of this passage usually is people who are already familiar with Twain’s work and know how much feeling he puts in to it and they take him seriously. Through his really descriptive words, the reader is able to paint a picture of the river and begin to feel as if they were there. Since Twain is able to make such a connection with his audience they begin to ask themselves questions about how much they have missed in the world. The pathos, or emotional response to this passage, is really apparent.After reading it, people usually begin to look around and realize how much beauty they have failed to find in their daily lives. Something that Twain tries to point out is that even though you might have seen something beautiful once doesn’t mean there isn’t beauty in it all over again the next time you see it. His intent was so that the reader would walk away after reading this passage and see the world in a new way. While reading this passage the audience is able to relate and really feel how Mark Twain felt about the river.Logos, or the logical aspect of this essay, is that Mark Twain experienced it himself. If he made such a big bold statement of how people make the beauty disappear in the world without experiencing it firsthand, the reader might not take what he has to say to heart. Twain takes a well-known action, a doctor seeing a patient, and relates it to the point he is trying to make. Instead of seeing a doctor as helpful, Twain puts a new perspective on them by saying that they don’t see the beauty in people but rather, they see the wrong and bad.By comparing his experience to an everyday thing that goes on he makes it more relatable. â€Å"Two Ways of Seeing a River,† by Mark Twain is a passage that people are left questioning themselves after reading it. Through kairos, ethos, pathos, and logos the reader is taken inside of a personal experience that Twain had. By reading about how he felt the first time he road down the river in a steamboat and how it slowly lost its beauty you begin to really feel like you were there with him.The reader is forced to ask themselves tough questions about how they go about their daily lives and how much beauty they miss out on. Rather it is Twain†™s peaceful and descriptive explanation of the river or the stab toward how doctors behave this passage in undoubtedly meant to change the way the reader sees the world. Even if you have seen something beautiful once doesn’t mean that there isn’t more beauty to find every time you see it after that. Make sure to stop and take in what really goes on around and you might be surprised what you find.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What is the Environment?

The term ‘environment' has been widely used and has various meanings and interpretations. The word environment originally is take from the French word â€Å"Environia† which means the surround. The environment also means of nature. In other words, environment is the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity. The environment can also be meant for all things around us including living things or non-living. For example, natural forces, human beings, animal, plants and other living things such as water, climate temperature and pressure which provide growth and development as well as damage to the earth itself. According to P. Gisbert â€Å"Environment is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it.†. According to E. J. Ross â€Å"Environment is an external force which influences us.† The environment can be referred to anything that surrounds by an object and anything that give impact to it. It also refers to things surrounded and may made changes due to factors such as natural, artificial, social, biological and psychological. According to Islam, ‘environmentalism' is based on the teachings of monotheism or unity of understanding that combines human, nature and Allah. Islam has made morality as the core of the relationship between human, nature and Allah. Based on this theory, it is proven that any problems or environmental pollution arise from the imperfections of human morality against himself, nature and Allah. The concept of human being as a Caliph indicates that this environment is the right of Allah and His creation that man must carry out the trust. In addition, this nature is an implied sign or symbol of Allah's greatness and powers.The Islamic View of the EnvironmentIn Islam, God is the real owner of the universe. The sky and the sun, the moon and the stars are decorating the sky, also the flowers, trees, and various other plants and assort kinds of animals are the creation of Allah SWT. He is the one who causes the rivers to flow on the earth, upholding the sky without pillars or support and making the night and the day. In the creation of the earth and the universe as described in the Quran, there are signs of the Power of Allah that we can see and observe. Besides, Allah also states in several other verses that clearly describe the process of creation of the earth and the universe.Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. (QS. Ali Imran: 190) Another verse in Quran refers to creation of earth,Surely your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days — then sat Himself upon the Throne, covering the day with the night it pursues urgently — and the sun, and the moon, and the stars subservient, by His command. Verily, His are the creation and the command. Blessed be God, the Lord of all Being. (QS. Al A'raaf: 54)As we know, the earth is created for humankind, it can be used for any purpose as long as it does not give a bad effect on the environment and ecological balance. Islam is a religion that strictly prohibits its Ummah to excessive in search of worldly things. Allah has created everything in this world with its own measurement. There is nothing to be underestimated and nothing is over him, everything is enough and perfect, as Allah states in the Quran, which means,who has created all things well. And He originated the creation of man out of clay (QS. As Sajda: 77)Muslims believe that Allah created the heaven and the earth in the best possible way. He made the mountains, the rivers and the sea so that humans could find their livelihood. Water is a very important element in Islam. Furthermore, water is also one of the blessings of the world given by Allah to his creatures. It is an evident and proven with a repeat of the Arabic word for water (Ma') 63 times in the entire Quran. The total number of words in the Quran is 6,666 fractures if divided by 63 fractions it almost reaches 1% of the whole Quran verse. This proves that almost 1% (0.945%) of Quran content is about water. It can be seen that 60 percent of the human body is water and most of the amount of water is found in human cells. Besides, nearly 71 percent of the earth is filled with water. Not only in the sea, water also exists in the air (water vapor), rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers, soils and aquifers. Moreover, water is very important in human life because it is used almost in every aspect of human life. Not only for drinking, water is also used in various forms of daily activities such as washing, bathing, worship and so on.Apart from being used for domestic uses, water is also very important in economic activities such as industry, manufacturing and transportation. In fact, water also helps generate electricity in the dam. But water can also have adverse effects on humans such as floods, mud floods and water pollution in the rivers and acid rain. However, such catastrophic events will only happen when humans themselves fail to manage the water and the environment well. When humans do not care for cleanliness, letting the garbage scattered unmanaged, cutting down trees, ponding the merciless land, releasing pollutants into the water, developing areas without smart and eco-friendly planning, then that's when water brings disaster to human life. It is undeniable that animals and plants are important in life as it is a source of life that brings great benefits to human life. This is because, without any other species on the earth humans can not survive in life. There a says â€Å"If you believe in tomorrow, you plant trees today.† Trees are often related with nature and wildlife as it helps to preserve life on the planet through the oxygen cycle. The plants are considered like the lungs of the earth. However, as smokers who damaging their lungs, pollutions that occur like open burning and uncontrolled deforestation have damaged these trees.Protecting trees and nature is a beautiful Islamic concept. But sometimes they had been ignored. Allah states in different verses in the Quran laid it related to the protection of the environment and also tells us about the blessings that he has given us. The forest is one of the valuable assets that is given to us as it provides great ecosystem services by put in biodiversity, fill up underground aquifers, preventing soil erosion, reducing the effects of lightning floods, reducing climate change and global warming. Therefore, as the forests have a very important significance, we should take special attention to the forest destruction and reforestation can take place simultaneously.Moreover, animals that give a big contributions to plants and humans. For example, they will move and migrate to help plant distribution. Besides, animals also contributed in terms of producing leather goods, stuff from wool, and also beigns food sources such as milk, meat and honey. Islam strongly emphasizes the considerable attributes of maintaining the survival of fellow beings so as not to extinction the habitat in any animal or plant species. In order to safeguard the good of humans and all other creatures as well as to preserving the diversity of life on earth.The concept of behavior towards nature In Islam, Allah has set man as a stewardship on earth. A term which same meaning as successor, khalifah, trustee, viceroy, and guardian. People not only affords the rights to use the nature resource but they also must follow the environmental ethics by using it without damaging the beauty of the environment. There are several concept that help people in behaving according to certain boundaries.†¢ ShariahIn general, shariah is a living law in Islam that is based on Quran and Sunnah. Implementation of sharia in the concept of environmental care will have a huge impact. This is because by implementing Islamic-based rules, environmental environments can be maintained and applied according to the rules that have been set and not just according to human desires.The environment is one of the gifts of Allah to his people in fulfilling human nature demands. In fact, the earth is simply empty land if it is not given a beautiful environment that becomes a home for humans and other beings. In fulfilling the demands of living as human beings and the khalifah of Allah on this earth, mankind has been guided and taught by Islam. Islamic education is one of the ways in educating people on environmental protection. this is very different from western education where Islamic education covers physical and spiritual aspects but western education only emphasizes physical aspects. As time goes by, development is intensively implemented. but along with that, people must maintain the boundaries in the use of the environment in order to explore the area without redundancy.AqidahNext is the Aqidah. Aqidah is an Arabic word which means a bond or knot. It is also means a strong belief and faith in God that will not be broken and cut off in any situations. The strong aqidah holds with the guidance of the Quran can make one act according to the recommendations of the Quran. for example, the Quran clearly describes the environment as a command not to do damage to the earth, the effects an d consequences of human action, and so on. The examples of Quran verses that mention environmental matters is the command to do no damage to the earth,When it is said to them, ‘Do not corruption in the land', they say, ‘We are only ones that put things right.' (QS. Al-Baqarah:11)If every human being in the world understands and adheres to each of the Quran explanation clearly as described, then this earth's damage can be reduced apart from the earth's age factor. But in reality there are not many who are able to obey the abide to the ordered because the weakness of the Aqidah has affected the environment.Morality (Akhlak)Morality is the word jama ‘from the word (al-khuluqu) meaning habits, behavior, personality, custom, and even the religion itself. While from the perspective of the term it is the inherent nature of the self that can produce something easily and without thinking, researching or coercion. Morality is also a human behavior in relation to God, human relations and human relationships with the en vironment. The concept of environmental care in Islamic perspectives also emphasizes from the angle of morality. This is because morality plays an important role that is born of a complete Aqidah and a detailed understanding of shariah. Through morality, the personality of a Muslim is build with praiseworthy qualities in action against the environment. There are four examples of the commendable nature of Islam that must be present in each individual who are able to affect the care of the environment are Qanaah, Mahabbah, and Ihsan. Qanaah is the gratefulness of all the gifts of Allah for the necessity of life. In other words, it is an attitude that is not greedy and always grateful to the grace of God. for example, this type of people will not involved in excessive logging activities that damage the shape of the earth. Furthermore, the attitude of the Mahabbah is the attitude of loving people and other beings. Loving humans and other creatures include love for the environment and to strive for the best of the environment. Through a high surrender attitude it will control the individual not to be harmful to the environment and to be on the lookout for something that involves environmental sensitivity. Finally, Ihsan is a human attitude that is always careful in doing action because knowing God is always watching it. Through this attitude, it is able to train people to be more aware of the surroundings. As an example that can be attributed to the concept of environmental care of an Islamic perspective is someone who is in a state of anger able to control himself from damaging the plants around him as there is still a kindness in him.ConclusionThe environment plays an important role in life of mankind and all who live in the environment. This is a sign of Allah's glory and becomes a ways in understanding the reality of the existence of Allah. This natural welfare needs to be preserved as a sign of gratitude of Allah. The task of preservation and conservation of nature is the responsibility of every human being who lives in this universe, irrespective of the limits of religion. It is undeniable that the more rapidly the world develops in line with the latest technology, the increasingly environmental problems. The global warming climate is one of the easy examples of how human failures are in preserving the environment. Indeed, Islam encourages the ummah to continuously advance themselves with the blessings of this world. It should be noted however, that it can not extend beyond the limits set by the Shari'a. Islamic approaches to environmental issues are based on justice and equity. this is because exploration that destroys other habitats is prohibited in Islam. Environmental destructions not only affects life but also an unpredictable generation that is equal to the right to live and enjoy from the environment as the present generation lives and enjoys.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Diabetes and Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diabetes and Globalization - Research Paper Example The Harvard School of Public Health (n.d) defines globalization as "Inexorable spread of knowledge, technology, culture, and capital from country to country" (para. 1). In layman's terms, diabetes is caused by a disproportion of energy in the body whereby very little calories are burned by the body. In other words, physical activity is imperative when it comes to preventing diabetes. Globalization has increased trade between countries and has thus made food more available at cheaper prices. The cost and availability of food shape people's preferences and can contribute to diabetes (Harvard School of Public Health, para. 5). This, in other words, increases people's access to high caloric foods which are the major contributors to diabetes. Other than shaping people's food preferences, globalization has made it easier for international fast-food companies to spread from the developed countries to developing countries (Harvard School of Public Health, para. 5). This further increases peo ple's access to fattening foods creating an increase in obesity and diabetes.   Candib (2007) asserts that globalization goes hand in hand with urbanization. People are increasingly moving to urban areas in search of better business and job opportunities. When people move to urban areas, they end up adopting a sedentary lifestyle. Subsequently, they have no time for cooking a healthy meal by the time they get home due to exhaustion. In fact, most people prefer buying food from restaurants and fast food outlets than to cooking.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 5

Project Management - Essay Example Further, a project is highly resource intensive. In this context, a project life cycle denotes a logical sequence of activities that are employed to realize all goals and objectives associated with the project. Irrespective of the complexity or scope of the project, it must undergo several sequential stages during its lifetime. The project life cycle comprises four main stages (Kerzner, 2009): The planning phase primarily comprises the decomposition of the project into simpler tasks or segments that can be achieved individually with an adequate amount of interaction and coordination amongst them. For the purpose of the above question, the roles and activities of a project manager will be discussed within the last two stages of the project life cycle namely the implementation and completion phases. Haynes (2003) believes that the primary consideration for the project manager in this phase is to ensure that all major activities are executed correctly besides verifying whether proper control and monitoring is in place over all such activities. The implementation stage is the point where the planned solution is brought into existence to realize the specific requirements outlined under the problems being solved or purposes being realized. For example, in the case of systems and product development, an elaborate design identifying and accommodating all the major requirements is developed. The convergence between this design and the actual product being developed is evaluated through testing, constructing prototypes and by gathering reviews from major stakeholders. During the latter stages of this phase, there is a heavy effort among members of the project organization to begin planning for final activities like production, testing, maintenance and support. These subsequent activities also require considerable planning on a constant basis to take account of ongoing changes to the final outcomes and the supporting environment. Some of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International experiences for Utilization of Solar Energy For Thermal Research Paper

International experiences for Utilization of Solar Energy For Thermal Desalination - Research Paper Example Therefore, there has been a considerable interest in the use of renewable or alternative energy sources to meet the demands of the industry (Eltawil, Zhengming, and Yuan 2009: 2245), since the supply of these renewable forms is potentially unlimited and the generation of energy is almost completely clean. That, and given their low cost of maintenance (Eltawil, Zhengming, and Yuan 2009: 2245), such energy sources, especially the harvesting of solar energy, has been getting much attention lately. The ultimate use of solar energy is for the desalination of brackish water in order to produce and supply WHO approved drinkable water to areas that are almost deprived of fresh water resources (Eltawil, Zhengming, and Yuan 2009: 2246). Water is the fundamental need of humanity, and a fundamental requirement for the functioning of industry and society. However, the overwhelming ratio of water is in the form of seawater or other forms of brackish water; it is estimated that only 3% if water is available as fresh water, and out of that, less than 1% is accessible (Eltawil, Zhengming, and Yuan 2009: 2246). ... Already, over a billion of the world’s population has no access to fresh water, and the demand is likely to increase by 40% of the present amount (Eltawil, Zhengming, and Yuan 2009: 2246). In light of these statistics, it has become imperative that new avenues be explored that should provide with an easy, cheap and clean method of fresh water production. To that end, the utilisation of solar energy is the most effective. This paper analyses three methods of harbouring this technology, namely Multi-effect distillation or MED, Multistage Flash Distillation or MSF, and Reverse Osmosis, the distribution for which is given below. Fig. 1: â€Å"Distribution of renewable energy powered desalination technologies† (Eltawil, Zhengming, and Yuan 2009: 2248). It explores which of these methods is the most efficient and cost-effective. It will start with a discussion of each of these methods, as follows, followed by a study of advantages of MED over the other methods. Multi-effect d istillation, or MED, is the most common and the oldest of all the techniques used for freshwater desalination (Bruggen 2003: 7). It harnesses the concept of evaporation-condensation, in that steam obtained from brackish water by evaporation is allowed to condense at a low temperature and pressure, and the heat thus given off is utilised to evaporate more water from the brine (Bruggen 2003: 7). The water produced upon condensation of steam is collected as non-saline fresh water; the ultimate goal of the set up. It is obvious that initially some energy from an external source would be needed in order to produce steam and start the cycle; the rest of the steps in the cycle are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Self-Portraits. Journal. The Renaissance artists Titian, Rembrandt, Essay - 2

Self-Portraits. Journal. The Renaissance artists Titian, Rembrandt, and Durer have each painted - Essay Example Today a dear friend asked me to explain to them why I would want to paint a self-portrait? It struck me dumb. For how could I reveal my selfish motivations behind the brush? True, my talent exceeds those I was educated with, but it hasn’t brought me the burgher status I so deserve (Westermann, 2004, 89). However, the portraits I have been working on lately are being commissioned by more prominent citizens than before (Westermann, 2004, 156) and this certainly reflects kindly upon my public image (Cole, 1983, 27-28). In the end, I only explained to my friend that portraiture interested me as a way to record the likeness and expression of those who hired me to do so (Smith, 2004, 85) and that sketching over 85 self-portraits (Westermann,2004, 4) is merely practice. But truth be told, I am tired of this middle-class morality! I have finished a great tribute to Raphael and Titian! After long studying their compositions I have created Self-Portrait (1640) as way of expressing the desire to emulate my Italian predecessors (Westermann, 2004, 12). It has the muted tonality and modest costume arrangement that is found in Raphael’s work. Also, I have copied the introspective gaze, the luscious folds of fabric and a gentle turn of head, all in alignment with the great Titian (Westermann, 2004, 152). I applied small touches of red to the cheeks and nose to produce a sense of life beneath the off white skin. Highlights of white on the cheekbone, nose and forehead give strength to the three dimensionality of the face. I have portrayed myself with a quiet expression and a simple pose in order to emphasize my facial features. My aim is Cartesian in nature—to produce a direct relationship between the viewer and the portrait (Woods, 2007, 73). My self-portraits have begun to truly represent the outer manifestation of my growing self-awareness

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Developing Speaking Fluency and Accuracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Developing Speaking Fluency and Accuracy - Essay Example Paul further expressed that people do have an integral and perplexing fear towards the English language which can be attributed to the inhibitions of a person in expressing themselves using the newly acquired language. As Paul (2009) elaborated, teaching how a word is properly enunciated or pronounced appeared to be the most difficult aspect that students are found to have. This gives an obvious divergence between the teacher and its students. One reason for this is that often foreign speakers are failing to adapt the English language as a secondary language. Since there are different people coming from different countries speaking English, there are modifications made in the pronunciation of a word. It is not an easy task to master the English language especially if this is not the mother tongue of a particular group. There are people who continually struggle with the rules and regulation of sentence construction or grammar. Ways to Improve Speaking These demanding challenges make it necessary for any teacher of English to have formal training in instruction and approach. As expressed by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) (2003) that it is an effective method for teachers to find an appropriate plan on how the lessons will be presented that can aid the students in better understanding and adapting the enunciation and grammar of the foreign subject. According to the BBC’s (2003) world service radio series, the following elements attributes for a better and effective speaking: confidence, fluency and accuracy, proper usage and choice of words, bulk language learning, pattern as to where one should be going, maintaining the interest in its listeners, and becoming a supportive listener and sounding like a native speaker. This paper underscores the concepts of fluency and accuracy in the development of speaking skills.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Letter for the editor of Wall Street Journal Essay

Letter for the editor of Wall Street Journal - Essay Example economy did not fall, but reflected 0.0 percent in growth in the first quarter. Other firms, especially JP Morgan agree that the economy fell by a minor 0.2 percent rate, raising questions concerning the validity of quarterly estimates (Mitchell). As it is the case with all reports about the economy, the government announces employment, retail sales, and GDP estimates early, whose data is incomplete. When other data is introduced, the government should adopt the revised values. For GDP, the government should present first estimates then make two revisions for every quarter. The first GDP reading presented for the first three months of 2015 indicated a growth of 0.2 percent. The second reading indicated -0.7 percent growth. This is because it emphasized on data that incorporated a rise in trade deficit, which prevailed at the end of first quarter (Mitchell). Thus, based on these projections, I propose that the first quarter is not horrifying as economists anticipated. This is because the economy is showing signs of growth, particularly because of the growing income, which is fostering consumer spending in diverse industries across the country. Mitchell, Josh. Reports of the U.S. Economy’s Contraction Have Been Greatly Exaggerated. Wall Street Journal. 11 Jun. 2015, web. 12 Jun. 2015.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sexual attraction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sexual attraction - Research Paper Example Human sexuality has many aspects related to physiology and psychology. Biological or physiological aspects of sexuality are related to the continuity of human generation in the world. Without sexual relationship, it is impossible to sustain the generations by living things. Nature has given the sexual attraction to all the living things in order to sustain their species on earth. Psychological aspects of sexuality are related to the relaxation of mental stress. Sexual relationship is one way for the living things to release their emotional energies. Sex is a divine thing given to all living things by nature. It should be used for constructive things rather than destructive things. Sex related crimes and abuses are increasing day by day everywhere in the world. Even small children were sexually abused by elders in the current century. The total unawareness of sexuality and sexual relationship is leading to such abuses. People are engaged in sexual abuses because of the emotional dominance over their wisdom. Diana Russell has reported from his studies that in a sample of 930 women she has studied, 38% has been sexually abused before the age of eighteen (Hastings, p.20) The adolescent period is a stage in which infatuation dominates all other wisdom. People at this stage may not know much about the good and evil. They will act based on their physiological and psychological needs. Barriers may not have any place during this period and they often engage in sexual relationships without thinking twice. Much of the human sexual attraction is related to the physical attractiveness. The appearance of a person is interpreted by the senses which decide whether that person is suitable or not for sexual relationships. It is important for everybody to know about the meaning of sexuality and the importance of sexual relationships in order to sustain a healthy life. This paper briefly explains sexual attraction and its consequences. Selection of the life partner is